Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Stuffies growing spikes

So we had just put the girls to bed and Rob & I were settling down with our computers (yes I know it's anti-social, don't bug us!) and Emily came out of their room. She stood in the hall and said, "I have to tell you something."

"Go to bed," Rob said.

"But I really have to tell you!" she insisted. Rob and I looked at each other and sighed.

"Okay, come here," I said.

"Um, Kaylee licked my guy (stuffie de jour) and she says it'll grow spikes where she licked it!" Emily complained.

"She says it'll grow spikes where she licked it?" I find myself seeking clarification a lot these days.

"Yah!" Emily said emphatically. Kaylee had by now trailed out of the room to listen to the interaction as well.

"Okay, give it to my and I'll clean it, so it won't grow spikes," I said as I took the stuffie and quickly rubbed it all over.

"Okay, thanks," Emily responded taking her toy back satisfied that I'd solved the crisis.

I wish all crises were that easy to solve.

I also wish I could make things grow spikes - that's cool!

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