Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Currently On the Dresser

Currently on Emily and Kaylee's dresser there are a few strange items. I guess it's normal stuff for four-year-olds.

1. Two baby food jars growing grass that they did as a pre-school project.
2. One sunflower plant-pot growing two plants they got as party gifts from Olivia's 5th Birthday.
3. One small blue shell from a bird's egg we found. It's in with the plant's, but it's pretty hard to see. We'd found one on the way to the park with Grandmommy, but it got squished. This particular one I found on my way to soccer. I was by myself so I put between the eyes on Talking Tree for the girls to find on their way home.
4. Two wooden elephant piggy-banks made for them by their Rob's Uncle Don.
5. A magnetic photo holder with pictures of Olivia and their two pre-school friends Emily and Trinity.

That's all for now.

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