Thursday, March 4, 2010


Yeah! I've lost 8 lbs!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lost on a Treadmill

Yesterday we had yoga class at lunch. I love yoga class at lunch. We have a great teacher from Heaven's Fitness named Leanne. I love Leanne. Sometimes the sessions can be a bit intense, but yesterday's was a bit more low-key with lots of triangle poses and stretching, but we got to do a hand stand against the wall. I love going upside-down. I think everyone should go upside-down once a day. It's just fun to go upside-down.

Today I had a pretty good session at the fitness centre. Rob has downloaded Lost for me as I bailed just before the end of season three so have some catching up to do. I wanted something to distract me from the fact I was running on a treadmill. I think it worked. I did 30 mins at 5 mph with a 1 incline. (One what, I'm not sure) I'm still not up to 5 k as I need to be for the triathlon in August.

I haven't weighed myself since my blowout on Monday. Since I've been pretty good since and tomorrow is Thursday, maybe I'll get up enough nerve to try tomorrow.

Monday, February 22, 2010


I give myself a "blow-out" time every week where I can eat whatever I want. It's getting less enjoyable though. "Blort" is a term my friends and I made up in high school to describe that icky feeling you get when you've eaten too much. Today I ate a lot. We went out for Chinese food for lunch. In the afternoon I was groggy and I was struggling to focus in meetings. I kept zoning out. By the time I got home from work I was exhausted. Eating better has an impact on my energy levels, for sure. I think I've gained a pound or two back from the 5 I lost, but I don't really want to go on the scale. I'm going to get back on track tomorrow!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


So I'm getting the idea that focusing on breath is important in yoga. It's got me thinking about "breath". I guess you're actually not supposed to be thinking about much else anyway. I like it though. I like working to quite the mind and focus on something simple. It seems simple but the more I think about it, the more involved my thinking about breath becomes. In different poses I can imagine my breath being different "shapes" in my body. Tor example, as I told Nicole, in child's pose my breath feels frog-shaped. There's all the visualization that yoga teachers give about drawing in life and energy with each inhale and releasing, melting, grounding with each exhale. I can think of a slowly pulsing light. Sometimes I also think about how God created Adam in Genesis: ...."the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." Breath is life. Life placed within us by God. It moves through us and sustains us by his grace and by his power. I can imagine it's the holy spirit - the breath of life - the breath of God moving in me. From there the meaning grows and evolves. Stop and take a deep breath.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I've been working on a few things and I thought I'd write about it. I guess it's a general mind/body/spirit thing. I'm trying to lose a bit of weight - 20 lbs total. (Five down 15 to go! Yippy!)I've been trying to be more regular with fitness. I was talked into joining some colleagues at work for a triathlon in the summer. (All I have to do for that is run 5 K - but that's a challenge for me.) Also I've been dabbling in yoga which I find very interesting. On top of that it's Ash Wednesday, and I've given up chocolate for Lent. That's a whole bunch of stuff but it all seems to be running together in a healthful Zen-ish Christ-focused kind of thing. I'll pull out bits and write more in the coming days.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

White Space

I like white space in layout and design. I'm not a designer, so I don't understand the technical principle behind white space or really how to use it properly. I just know my eye is drawn to a visual that includes it.

Then I realized I actually like "white space" everywhere. I like it in my cupboards at home. When they're crammed full of stuff it I'm not happy. I like it in my garage, in the spaces in my home and even in my mental chatter. Blank spaces, empty spaces that aren't crammed full. Space to breath and reflect. It seems important visually as well in practical life.

Friday, January 1, 2010