Saturday, April 25, 2009


We all want to be cool. Being cool means being unaffected. I find myself working at being unaffected. It seems often to be effective you have to be. Sounds odd, I know, but think off all the compassion professions where the professionals depend on remaining somewhat detached to be able to do what they need to do well. Councilors, doctors, social workers, aid workers etc. If they get too affected by the people and situations around them they loose the objectivity they need to do a good job. But there seems to be some kind of catch 22 there. Those who care less, do better? Doesn't seem right. Shouldn't it be that you are only at your best when you are fully engaged, plugged in and on fire? Isn't that where the impetuous for greatness comes?

Maybe I'm just all flustered because something started to get under my skin and just as I was trying to ignore it and remain, you know, cool, I walked past graffiti on a bridge railing that said, "Stop settling for what is wrong."

I don't really know what it means. It just affected me.