Friday, August 24, 2007


I like stories.

I think life is made up of a series of intertwined stories. I like sharing stories with people - being part of their stories and having them in mine. Sometimes it's fun to write or think about daily circumstances in story language. At first it seemed silly or exaggerated, but then I realized it really isn't, nessesarily. It's just a different way of looking at a situation.

It helps a bit if you have some folks around to provide a little drama and intrigue. Too much drama isn't good though. Just a little bit. :-)


Rob Scott said...

I think it's possible that we are created to see life through stories. We can choose to see our own lives as part of a divine narrative. We can also tune out real life and emerse ourselves in other narratives. I don't think there's anything wrong with these entertainment-oriented escapist narratives (via TV, movies, books, video games). They can teach us things, reveal truths and add to our own story. But if they take over our lives or salve our internal need to find purpose through the real-life story we've been created for then they can become destructive. In a media-saturated culture, too many people live purposeless lives when there are real-life struggles to overcome, and real-life victims in need of "heroes."

stacey said...

Totally. It's the real life stories that are so cool. Because you get to live them instead of watch/read them!