Sunday, December 16, 2007

Granola Bars

I don't know what the deal is with granola bars. They always seem like such a good idea. I always throw them in my pocket or bag in case I get hungry or forget my breakfast. But I never, ever, ever eat them. I think I like them, but when the moment of decision comes, I always pick something else.

What's up with that?


s. m. d. said...

I know exactly what you mean - I always think I'm going to enjoy them until I'm actually hungry, and then I find them nauseating. The only exception I have ever found is the Nature Valley Sweet n' Salty Peanut bar. That's da bomb.

Rob Scott said...

Does this mean you have hundreds of bars piling up in your bag?

stacey said...

Yes. And in my desk at work, and in the fridge at the ICU, and I think there are some in the ski bag from last winter, and some under the driver's seat in my car, and I keep one under my pillow in bed.