Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Trap

At work we talk about "capturing stories". At Emily and Kaylee's preschool they have a class bear. After each class the bear goes home with a different student. They are supposed to take and/or draw pictures of the what they did with the bear. Rob took pictures and wrote captions for each. It was adorable. A simple story based on the daily activities of four-year-olds an their interactions with a bear. Engaging. A story "captured".

I used to think "capturing" was a strange way to think of producing stories. Like the stories are wild and running amok in the world around us. We need to set a trap, be very, very quiet and...BAMMO! Got one!

Now I'm not sure that's too far off. Stories are everywhere and we don't always see them - like the perspective of an average day from the point-of-view of a stuffed animal. Or simple accomplishments or the flow of our lives. Stories everywhere. Only we don't often realize it. They are evasive quarry - these stories. They are good at sneaking by unnoticed.

Try setting your own story trap. I think you'll be pleased with what you catch.


Nicole MacIver Okiring said...

I think trapping stories sounds better and more fun than trying to trap the rat in my room that eats my clothes and my chocolate!

stacey said...
